We recently had a Patient Appreciation Day and food drive to support the Kirk Care Food Pantry. I have to say, it was the biggest success because, (and I have to brag) but we have the best chiropractic patients in St. Louis.  Your donations filled up an ENTIRE truck and the volunteers from Kirk Care were blown away.  Here are some fun pictures from that day!!

KIrk Care Food Pantry Food Drive Vital Force Chiropractic St Louis
Barb (Dr. B’s Mom) helped out in the front!


Liz Menedez Chair Massage Vital Force Chiropractic St Louis
Liz Menedez donated her time to do Chair Massage… Ahhh so nice!


Kirk Care Food Pantry Food Drive Vital Force Chiropractic St Louis
Just the beginning…. our patients were so generous!


Kirk Care Food Pantry Food Drive Vital Force Chiropractic St Louis
Some of our fav’s stopped by!


Collected Food From Food Drive Vital Force Chiropractic St Louis
It’s overflowing… so we started collecting outside.  Good thing the weather was nice.


Crisy and Dr. Bagley Vital Force Chiropractic St Louis
Crisy and Dr. Bagley overjoyed with how much was given!


Dr Bagley & Kirk Care Food Pantry Food Drive Vital Force Chiropractic St Louis
It really did fill up a truck.  Woo Hoo!

I’ll be honest… this day was one of the top 10 days in my entire career.  I’m so proud of our office and what we have accomplished, I’m so proud to be your chiropractor.  Thank you so much for trusting me to help you on your health journey.

Need a St. Louis Chiropractor?  Call us at 314-596-4070 today… we can help you!!