The Blonde & The Bald | Atlas


Drs. Bagley and Schurger discuss their findings regarding how often most people will come in with a lower cervical problem that has been hidden by the Atlas problem. This is a great discussion regarding how sometimes it takes a couple of extra visits to really dial in all the healthcare needs that a person has. We also discuss how we’re trying to get you back to optimal health as quickly as possible. And stick around to hear how we stuffed our faces over the holiday.

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Episode 43 – The Overwhelming Neurology Of The Atlas & Missing Other Issues, Optimal Healing & Cookie Monsters

How are you doing?

I am doing good. It is our first recorded episode of 2024. We have had a crazy week already, both of us. This is going to be a little bit disjointed. We have a little bit of a plan for what we want to talk about, but quite honestly, it’s 6:20. Dr. Bagley texted me saying, “I put the last one down to rest and I was getting one up.” Honestly, I’m yawning already.

We are going to get our second wind. We are going to kick butt on this episode because all of you need some of this information. Some of you have no idea. Your life is going to change after tuning in to this episode.

Let’s address the elephant in the room. Why am I exhausted? I know you’re as busy as I am. This is the first day that I had a morning shift, but I think I’ve had 4 new patients in 2 days out of the blue. I’m managing all of that myself. I have people who are saying, “I need to go see Dr. Schurger.” A lot of them just moved to the area and they said, “I think this upper cervical stuff might be for me.”

I love that. I’m never going to complain about being busy or not being able to breathe for a second. I love being busy. It was simple. I’m also the type of doctor who doesn’t like when too many people are waiting in the waiting room because it makes me nervous. Second of all, I don’t like going to a doctor’s office and waiting for a long time.

There are certain professions where it has to happen, like OB-GYN, they could have been called when a thing happens and I get it. In a chiropractic office, we should be able to manage patients effectively. I had people waiting in the waiting room for longer than I liked, maybe 15 to 20 minutes past their appointment time. I hated it. Apologies to any of you that I made you do that. A whole bunch of people had hurt themselves after the holidays.

Can you imagine that?

It was great to see some of them, but you also need to take better care of yourself.

I was the same way. I had one of those new patients start at 1:30, but I was starting my afternoon at 2:30. She took longer than expected because she’s a complex PI case from an auto accident. I walked up and everybody was either a hair late or a hair early. By 3:15, I had a full waiting room as I was getting everybody back and forth between the two rooms. I didn’t get to my notes until the end of the evening because I was like, “We’ll take care of notes at the end.” It saves me about a minute per person.

Still, I don’t think I stopped moving until 5:30 or 6:00. I took a nap and then had to get more work done because some of these people were coming in the next day to get their first adjustment. Sure enough, the one young lady is doing much better from getting that first adjustment after that car accident. She’s as tall as you. She might be taller. What’s funny is I was joking that she might be able to stand herself up straight and hit 6’3”. She said 6’2.5” is the tallest.

I didn’t measure her before we adjusted her, but the machine measures 72, but it takes an inch out automatically. She was at 73 after her adjustment and she came out of the resting room and said, “Everything is brighter.” I’m pretty excited. I think she’s going to do great. Time will tell, of course. I’m always curious to see how many people have messed themselves up over the break.

I was on vacation officially between Christmas and New Year’s. We get back into town on Friday afternoon at 4:30, and at 5:00, I have a half dozen patients waiting for me, including one who’s a regular who got in a car accident earlier that week. It’s been busy and it’s wonderful. I like this. One of my nuns who works in a hospital system commented, “Doc, you want to see 50 people a day?” I’m like, “Yes, I do.” I was enjoying that extra busy afternoon. It was a great opportunity.

One of the things that I thought about was when you have a husband and wife or two family members come in together. One of them starts doing well and fast for care. The other one is a slow changer and everybody is different. I had to have that heart-to-heart conversation with the wife and I was like, “I know your husband is one of those types of getting an adjustment,” and miracle changes. All these changes. His vision is better, his night vision is better, his headaches are pretty much gone and they were constant, and his range of motion is better. 

He’s a truck driver. Not that it’s not important for everyone, but driving a truck at night, you need all of your senses and big trucks too. She manages the business but also is a mom and her symptoms are changing a little bit, but not much change. It’s not like better. It’s not like, “I feel great.” She feels icky still. That’s one of those hard conversations and saying, “It’s okay.” You can’t ever compare apples to oranges. You can’t compare yourself to your husband or anybody else because everybody’s journey is different.

Everybody’s journey is different.


You’re starting in different places.

Sometimes, people take longer to heal. I was one of those people. I did see some immediate changes, but it was a good four months before I realized how much better I was. Anyway, that’s my little win and story about how it’s okay for it to take time.

I see those very regularly. Sometimes, one spouse will notice a change and the other one won’t. The worst is when they both notice it. The one says, “I’m not sure if it’s a change,” and they play it down. It’s like, “Did you have this problem last week?” “Yeah, I suppose. I could do everything that I was supposed to do.” You also have the situation where the wife comes in and she’s like, “Doc, something’s still not right. Something lower hadn’t cleared out yet.”

She was complaining and she had a first rib that was out of place and hadn’t released. Give it a week. It probably would’ve taken care of itself, but it might have knocked her out one more time. I said, “We’ll do a little bit of a tap on that,” and that helped her out. She’s still complaining about her husband. She’s like, “Doc, I don’t think he got them clear because he’s still snoring.” I’m like, “I’ll keep on looking. I’ll keep on doing my best,” but sometimes these things take a little bit more time. There are other factors that we aren’t adding to the equation here that might be playing into the symptoms that we’re seeing at the time.

One of the questions, and we talked about this, is if somebody comes in and needs a C1 adjustment and then the next day or two days later, they come in and need a different adjustment like C2. Why does that happen?

I think there are layers. I joke that we are like ogres. We have different layers, like an onion.

Maybe like a trifle. Why can’t it be a trifle? Everybody likes a trifle.

That is a good reference. We should start using trifle now. I like that better. We have different things going on at any given time. There are two different ways to approach this. The first way is that we have injury A that we are healing through over time, and this doesn’t necessarily get into C1 and then a couple of weeks later, at C2.

This gets into the way the atlas had gone out as we’d been adjusting them from the right and then, 4 or 5 months down the road, that adjustment from the right wasn’t clearing them out. You take a new picture and you’re like, “I have a new angle. We are going to have a better adjustment on the left.” Sure enough, we adjust them on the left.

It’s a very similar adjustment in regards to how they have gone out of place, but it is a big change for how we are approaching it. We’ve probably healed past one injury and now we have a new injury. It’s not something that happened recently, but an older injury that is now surfacing to a new need to get fixed. That’s one way to approach that.

Sometimes we’ll have a situation where they’re like, “Doc, something is lingering.” We went in there, and we checked it and did not find anything. We look for a couple of visits and then all of a sudden, it pops up. What I think is we have two things going on. One, neurologically, the atlas is a prime. I don’t know whether or not the doctors are primed for it or whether or not the body recognizes that the atlas has a huge component to the healing process.

So much so that if the atlas is out of place and the others aren’t to a similar level of impairment, it’s not the right word but it’s close, then maybe both of them will show up, the atlas and the axis or the atlas and C3. Generally, what I suspect is the atlas being out of place overwhelms the nervous system so much that even those C2, C3, or C4, maybe not all three of those, but one of those might still be a problem.

It’s so overs shined by the atlas that unless the atlas is properly back in alignment and staying there, those others don’t show up to any significant degree. Whether or not that is a situation where the body says, “I’m ready to address those lower ones,” because that other injury has finally come up to the surface or because it is overshadowed still by something of the atlas not being as clear as we would like it to be.

I’m so glad you brought this up the way you did and that we haven’t pre-talked about this because I feel the same way. I don’t think this is taught. They don’t discuss it the way we’re discussing it here. You’re 100% on track with it because I see the same thing in my office where C1 is blazing out and I can’t see anything else. They could have seven other misalignments, but I can only see that because C1 is so impaired or impairing the nervous system, we have to adjust it.

We adjust it. Late links will come back to even and the scan clears out, but those other things are still there and they’re still present and we neurologically can’t see it until C1 is stabilized. I do explain that to my patients in a very similar way as you do. I don’t have a double-blind placebo-controlled study that says that that’s correct. Considering I see it in the same way that you’re seeing it and 2 different doctors in 2 different states, we’re on the right track with that.

There are a couple of things to think about here and the reason that it’s not discussed amongst the techniques is largely because it’s very observational at this point in time. We understand there’s not a chiropractor on the planet who adjusts the spine. Let’s be specific. There are a lot of chiropractors on the planet who do nutrition and acupuncture. If they ever adjusted a spine, the last spine they adjusted was in the clinic as a student. They did not take it out to their practice. I’m talking about chiropractors who adjust the spine. If you ask any of them where are they going to adjust, gun to their head, they have one segment to adjust to get someone better, they’re always going to say atlas because they know that that has the greatest impact.

We understand that and that is something that we can address. What we don’t understand is whether there are hierarchies along the spine that may be more important than we should be looking at. Certainly, the Gonstead folks who do a more full spine approach, when you start talking to some of the guys who are teaching and understanding what Dr. Gonstead had figured out, you might see using the thermography breakpoint analysis, multiple spots showing up. Maybe you’ll see an L5, L4, T1, T5, C7, and C2; maybe all of those will show up.

You might only choose 3 of them and you’re not going to choose 4 and 5 because they’re too close to each other. You might choose 5, you might choose 1 of those thoracics or maybe that lower cervical and then C2. They like to keep them spread out because they believe that that is having a neurological impact that is maybe too much for the body to handle if you want to take care of all of them.

We can all say that the atlas has this high priority. This comes back to what the doctors are looking for. Most doctors practicing upper cervical chiropractic think, “What’s going on with the atlas today?” Whereas those of us who practice the Blair work certainly have a strong look towards the atlas. We at least acknowledge that those lower ones might have some involvement day in and day out.

The Blonde & The Bald | Atlas

How does one segment shine another and how many people have been trained to be sensitive enough to feel, “Something else is out and I know what my atlas feels like.” Case in point. One of my concussion cases was a military Marine. I need to have him on the show sometime soon. He’s fantastic. He’s been doing some injection work with a doctor down in Myrtle Beach. He’s super excited about how much it’s changed.

Normally, his atlas is out, and we changed how we adjusted his atlas, which is completely new for him. He got back. He flew down there over the holiday, came back, and said, “Doc, something is off. It’s not my atlas or at least it’s something different.” Sure enough, his axis was out of place. I adjust his axis and he is like, “Yeah, that’s the one.” If I could have seen more non-atlas patient adjustments, most of them were axis. I saw a lot, I’ll be honest.

Me too. I don’t know what the holidays did to people but I did.

Maybe everybody relaxed over the holidays and their atlas were able to settle.

I have a lot of atlas holding, but then also a lot of weird stuff today too.

I concur. I am right there with you on that. It begs the question, what is the body available to heal? One of the worst comments, not towards me and my practice, but one of the comments that I had, I ran into somebody randomly. We were talking shop and he knew that I was a chiropractor. The comment that was made was, “The thing I don’t like about chiropractors is they don’t get all of the segments that need to be adjusted and I have to come back for another visit.”

I thought about that for a second and I know that’s not the case, but why isn’t that the case, and what else is going on and how do we explain it to patients? This has been at least a decade running through my brain. How do we address the person who thinks that we’re not doing everything we can on that visit as opposed to addressing the fact that we’ve done everything that can be done on that visit?

The Blonde & The Bald | Atlas

We also have to give the body a chance to heal. That’s what I feel like it’s the instant fix mentality of I take a pill and I feel better. Chiropractic does not fit into that peg. That’s a square peg and a round hole. It doesn’t fit. The way I explain it is like, “Doc, I don’t think you got it.” I’m like, “You are in alignment at this point. Your body is catching up with that. You can’t feel it immediately. It’s not an instant fix.” I say, “I wish it was an instant fix. If I could snap my fingers and make you feel 100%, I would do that, but that’s not how our bodies work and it’s okay. I bet tomorrow, you will be feeling a little bit better. If I do more at this point, I will hurt you. I’m not going to do that.”

It’s the instant fix mentality of “I take a pill, I feel better.” Chiropractic does not fit into that.


The other way to think about this is if you go into the gym and you say, “I’m going to bench the bar plus four plates. Can you do that? Maybe you can bench the bar.”

There are those wooden plates.

If you want to bench 225, can you do that first? If you can’t do that, where do you have to start? You have to start somewhere lesser. Can you even do the bar? Do you have good form on the bar? Everything is a progression in life, even getting adjusted. I’m all about what the fastest and shortest distance between two points is. How can you do things smarter and more efficiently to get from point A to point B?

In our case, I want to move from not being healthy to being healthy and moving in that direction. What’s the fastest way? Getting your atlas checked and adjusted is going to be the fastest way. Maybe we’ll have a couple of corrections in between. There are so many things that we have to learn about their paths. Some paths are better than others. I have about three different ways that I can get down to your office. Two of them Google suggests. I look at that and I’m like, “I don’t need to take a 3-hour tour to get down to your office in 2.” Google likes to do that. Have you noticed that?

Yes, I have because it took me in a weird way.

It’s like, “Why are you making me want to take an extra 45 minutes?” “It’s the eco-friendly route.”

I’m like, “No. It’s me being in the carless. It’s my eco-friendly.”

It’s understanding that we’re trying to figure out the shortest point for people to get from point A to point B as efficiently as possible.

We’re trying to figure out the shortest route for people to get from point A to point B as efficiently as possible.


Know that we want that for you. We want you to get well quickly, and the quicker the better, and feel well. We want you to not get well but feel well. We want both. There are some chiropractors or doctors who might string people along and make bad decisions that way. When you meet someone, you know if they have integrity or not. You can feel it coming off of them.

I know you have integrity and I try my hardest to have integrity with that. I never ask people to come in more than I think they should. I’m the first one to decrease this care frequency if they’re holding longer periods of time. I don’t need to see as often, but sometimes it takes more work with certain people and a certain problem.

If you have a new injury, let’s say you lifted a box wrong. A lot of people are taking the Christmas decorations down and carrying tubs of stuff down the stairs. I had multiple of those injuries. It’s an injury. If you’ve pushed your ankle, you don’t expect it to feel good after a day. It’ll take a week or multiple weeks, depending on how bad the injury is. When you hurt your back, neck, spine, or vertebra, it could be very quick or it could take time too. Those soft tissue injuries that surround a misalignment take time to heal. 

The adjustment itself, although it’s very quick and easy for us because it’s relatively painless, starts in motion the healing. We get to say, “It’s going to take some time. It’s not time to go run a marathon on this. You need to take the time to heal.” A lot of people don’t take that time to heal. They go immediately back to the gym or immediately to lifting things. That reinjures the same problem over and over again.

I have another patient who has been a student for the past couple of years, but his college career is not going in the direction he wanted it to go. He’s also getting into a bunch of courses that don’t appeal to him the way they wanted to. He’s back to work. He’s working as a laborer, making good money, and doing work. Now he’s going from needing to get checked and adjusted once every 3 or 4 weeks to “Maybe we should get you in every 2,” because he’s doing all this extra work and he’s more physically active.

He changed what he was doing. That change then consequently gets him in a situation where he’s like, “I need to take care of my body just like I take care of any other of my tools and make sure my head is on straight.” He was saying that in the past two days, he’s having a migraine. He texted me, “Doc, when’s my next appointment?” I’m like, “If you didn’t get texted today to tell you that you have an appointment today, we probably should schedule you for today since you’re asking to get an appointment for today.”

That’s always a fun text that’s like, “When’s my next appointment?” “If you’re texting me, it’s today.”

That is accurate. We’re not doing magic pills that immediately change symptoms. We’re not talking about things that happen overnight with minimal problems. Let’s also address some of the supplements that are going on. We’ve talked about magnesium in the past as being something good for people. A lot of people will notice an immediate improvement in sleep by taking magnesium before bed. It’s so fast. It’s amazing.

It’s a good sleep too. It doesn’t feel like a drug sleep. Sometimes, even melatonin will feel like a drug sleep to me. I’m taking magnesium glycinate before bed. I know you take a different type.

I take a malate glycinate, something else, plus magnesium 3 and 8. I’m technically taking four different forms.

I take all the magnesium all the time.

The crazy thing is Tuesday night, I was good about it. I was good about it Monday night and felt good for those days. Not that I didn’t feel good waking up this morning, but I know I forgot to take them last night. Sure enough, my recovery was down. Not that I’m feeling tired and didn’t give my best, but I can feel I will go to bed early tonight or, at the very least, fall asleep in front of the TV faster.

Don’t tell people that. That is bad.

No. I’m in my recliner and I’m in a good posture. I turn off the TV. The other thing that I’m going to point out since I’ve put these out, is Omega-3s. This is another one of those things that are going to take a long time to see benefits. I shouldn’t say a long time. You might get a quick benefit early on.

It might lower inflammation pretty quickly.

I think the inflammation is what’s going to take some time. You might notice your skin looking better by taking it.

I got a skin thing with that. Here’s one of my secrets. When you go on vacation and get a sunburn or a sunburn in general, I triple up on Omega-3s. I take maybe two twice a day or 2 or 3 times a day. Typically, it’s one pill that you take and the sunburn gets better so much faster. Don’t get sunburn in general, but sometimes it happens.

Interestingly, the standard process has a product called Cataplex F. I’m like, “What is in this product?” It is an essential fatty acid. Fish oils. It’s the same thing. It’s not a fish oil capsule from standard, but it’s trying to deliver that same fatty acid profile that helps say, “Bring this into the cell properly.” Understanding that a lot of sunburns are simply an imbalance of Vitamin D to your body’s mineral content in the cells because Vitamin D doesn’t care whether or not the minerals are in your gut or your cells. It’s pulling all of the minerals into the bloodstream when you get that high exposure. If you can force them back into the cells, you have less of a problem with that burn as well.

Is that one of the things that you would also take an extra dose of Vitamin D after getting sun exposure like that or not?

No, definitely not because you had the dose of Vitamin D. You don’t need more Vitamin D at that point in time. You need something else to counter that. As you said about the fish oils, I like Cataplex F. Of course, my first choice so that I don’t have any problems with this is the carnivore diet. Quite honestly, since I’ve been on the carnivore diet, I don’t burn. It is surprisingly a solution. Everyone is like, “What’s the best superfood?” It’s beef.

Funny story, talking about meat. We got done with the holidays. At Christmas time, normally, we haven’t had everyone coming back for a while. It was the first time that all the siblings were at the house, plus all the grandchildren. It was a wild time. My brother Dave doesn’t come to the family gatherings as much. I don’t know. Dave’s angry.

I did make a comment to his wife that I don’t think I’ve seen them in what feels like a decade, but it’s certainly been two years. Anyway, I made this brisket. I’m experimenting with times and have him try it because I’ve already tasted it and wanted to get his opinion. He takes a piece and he’s like, “It’s good.” That’s high praise from Dave.

We were all like, “That was the best thing ever.” They complain about me telling my sister that she didn’t temper her chocolate turtles properly because they’re melting in my fingers. I’m like, “I know.” They’re giving me grief because I’m bringing up the fact that she didn’t do them right. As I kept on stuffing my face full of chocolate turtles because they were so good,

That’s the thing. Over the holidays, we sometimes indulge in our sweets or something like that. What I did was threw all that crap away. There was still stuff left in the pantry and now it’s gone. Now I have my meat and vegetables. I know you don’t eat the vegetables. I’m sorry to say the V word in front of you.

I’m okay. I will not die.

I’m back on my meat and vegetables and I feel so much better.

It’s so fast. The crazy thing is this. Did you notice how, in the first couple of days, you were craving the stuff that you had thrown away? It is addicting. Our food supply is designed. Designed is the right word. I don’t want to say it’s poison, but it’s poison.

It’s designed to be an addictive poison.

One of my patients was complaining about her fibromyalgia, but she went to a place called Ollie’s. Are you familiar with that?

Yeah. We have one right by my house now.

That might’ve been the one she went to. She walks in there and sees Boston Cream Pop-Tarts.

They’re probably almost out of date, by the way, because that’s what Ollie’s about. It’s stuff that’s about to go out of date.

The other side of it is I’m like, “That’s pure diabetes.” I miss Boston cream donuts, but not that much.

I can’t have Pop-Tarts in my house because I freaking love them. If I had one day where I was like, “I’m going to eat whatever I want,” you put all of the things in front of me, like all of the brownies and cookies and Pop-Tarts is one of them, like a strawberry Pop-Tart or cherry Pop-Tart, I’m all over that one. It’s a chemical storm that my body craves once I eat one. It’s a package of two serving sizes. Of course, you eat the second one. How much do you suffer after that too? Let’s say you’ve been eating well for a week now or for 3 or 4 weeks.

That one moment where you’re like, “I’m going to eat this Pop-Tart,” you have a choice at that point. You can eat it and say, “That’s the one thing I’m going to do and I’m right back to where I’m supposed to be.” You can do that. Now you’ve turned on that center in your brain that says, “Just one more and one more thing.” You start craving that. You know those four other Pop-Tarts are sitting in the back of the pantry. It’s just one box. It’s like cigarettes. You have one more and then you go another pack, another pack and then you’re back to addiction.

The worst part is that in about a week or two after this episode gets released, Girl Scout cookies will be everywhere.

It’s Girl Scout cookie time. It is happening.

Here’s the worst part. Realize that a serving size of Thin Mints isn’t two cookies. It is one sleeve. It is the whole sleeve. There are two servings in that box and it’s a sleeve of Thin Mints. You all know that that is a true statement because it is that addicting.

You eat two and you may even put them in the freezer because they’re delicious in the freezer. You will go back to that freezer and go back and back. At some point, you’ll be out of cookies and you’ll be sad. You’re also going to be sitting in your soul, and then your knees are going to start to hurt when you go up and down the stairs. That’s me because the inflammation levels go straight up. What do you do when you go to the grocery store? You buy more of that crap because now you’ve started the cycle again. Don’t do it. If you want to support the Girl Scouts, you do not have to buy their cookies. You can buy cookies for servicemen or overseas service people.

Just write them a check. I write them a check because all they’re looking to do is they’re going looking to do their jamborees or their trips or whatever. We don’t need to feed a cookie industry and literal cookie monsters.

A good name for the show should be Cookie Monsters.

We’ll talk about Cookie Monster. The other problem was that my sister-in-law knows that I love seven-layer bars and makes them gluten-free. She had these cute little plates, the square plates. She had different cookies on them. On both of the plates, she had two of them on the table. I could pick the one that had a few of them. What she was doing was coming in with this square tin 9 x 9 tray and putting it back.

About the second time that I saw her bringing that tray out, I’m like, “No. Michelle, you’re going to put that right here in front of me so that I don’t have to reach and you don’t have to keep on filling up the plate,” because I knew I was going to eat those things until they were gone or until I decided that I was done with them. Somehow, at 8:00, done. My brain said, “I’ve had enough. I had already had a pound of ground beef earlier. I made sure to eat a bunch of chicken at dinner. I prioritized protein.

The entire week I’m over at my dad’s, I expected that brisket to last me a couple of days. It was gone that night because that’s how good the brisket was. It wasn’t just Dave and I that liked the brisket, but Dad had three hams. Instead of doing the packet glaze with all sorts of extra chemicals and garbage in it, we put butter and honey together on it.

You guys make your own honey, don’t you?

We do. The bees make the honey. We harvest it.

I know, but you harvest the honey.

We did that, and honestly, every time that I had a chance to eat ham, I ate ham. I ran some numbers. Jean had bought me a couple of chuck roasts because I was out of beef and I knew I needed beef daily in my diet. She gets these two-and-a-half-pound chuck roasts. I smoke both of them. I proceed to eat one on one day and then the next, the next. I’m probably also eating a pound or more of ham on those same days. I probably put down anywhere close to 4,000 calories of meat. All of that protein is protein and my body says, “You’re fine.” I’m still a little bit higher as far as the scale.

I want to put a little disclaimer. You are not necessarily trying to lose any weight at this point. You’re trying to maintain and build muscle, correct?

I would like to lose some body fat at this point. The new program I’m on is doing that.

I’m saying for people tuning in, you do not need 4,000 calories of protein. You, personally but that person tuning in probably does not need 4,000 calories of meat in a day unless you’re an elite athlete.

No, because I was listening to a guy down in New Zealand. What’s his name? He was on John Baker’s Carnivore podcast. He said he did about a couple of weeks’ worth of 6,500 calories a day of beef, just red meat. He lost 15 pounds. I’m thinking I might have to try that because, quite honestly, I’m also trying to build muscle.

How many ounces of beef would that be?

I’ll look at what the math was from last week that I did.

I know there’s fat and stuff like that.

We use chuck roast because chuck roast is probably the best bang for your buck when you go to the grocery store for that. Folks, also bear in mind that I was probably walking anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 steps. There was a lot of chainsawing and wood chopping going on.

I’ve chopped no wood this year.

Everyone has their own. Thirty-six ounces of Chuck Roast is 3,300 calories.

How many did you say?

Thirty-six. Two and a little bit more pounds. Thirty-two ounces is 2 pounds. Thirty-six is 2 pounds, 4 ounces.

We’re looking at about 5 pounds of meat for the 6,000 calories. I don’t think I could do it, doc.

You have to work up to it. I don’t think you can do this. If you go over to Dali’s across the street, get 2 pounds of brisket and work your way through that with coleslaw. You need to have their coleslaw. The coleslaw will help cut some of that fat.

You told me that vegetables are trying to kill me.

They are, but coleslaw will help you eat the brisket. There is a balance for some of these things. Some things need a little bit of vegetables so that you can eat more meat.

You have weird rules. I don’t know if I believe all of them, but I think you might BS-ing some people here.

I didn’t say I’m always a carnivore. I’m saying I’m mostly carnivore and if when people are like, “Doc, where are we going to go eat?” I’m like, “I don’t care. Just find me a place that has beef.” I was thinking about this at lunch. The next time we are looking at steakhouses, my rule will be who has a 2-pound ribeye on their menu. I won’t care who it is. That’s where I want to eat.

Let’s put that away. That’s a lot of meat.

It is. I like a lot of meat.

I think that should be the name of the show.

I thought the show was going to be Cookie Monster.

No. I like a lot of meat.

It’s probably going to be Cookie Monster. Folks, you’ll know because you’ll see it before you hear about this. I think that’s a good place for us to end because I need to go get some bacon and some eggs.

I’m starting to get slap-happy. 

Dr. Bagley, where are they going to find you?

Precision Chiropractic. We are on the West side of St. Louis. You can find me at

I’m glad I’m not too far from where you’re at as far as the slap-happy either. I’m at Keystone Chiropractic in Springfield, Illinois. Folks, make sure you like, subscribe, and hit that thumbs-up button. Tell people about it. Share the show because, quite honestly, I’m hearing weird things about the algorithms not sharing stuff. This is a health show. This is not sponsored by any of the pharmaceutical companies.

I don’t want them to sponsor us. I think we should be sponsored by Merck.

Of course, I heard an alternative news podcast that I was listening to sponsored by ABC and I’m like, “They will take that money.” Folks, you have a good one. We’ll be back for another episode. Have a good one.



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