The Blonde & The Bald | Chiropractic Transformations


There are some cases that walk into our offices, and we know they’re going to do great. And not just great, but we can almost see how fast they’re going to get better in the consult. It may look like magic when we do it, but the reality is just that we’ve seen amazing transformations happen like this all the time. Because what we do simply works! We also cover what is called the 3 T’s that lead to neurostructural shifts: thoughts, traumas, and toxins. While trauma may have started the loss of health process, we cover how your mental attitude and chemical situations (often “food”) can just as plainly affect your health.

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Knock It Out Of The Park Cases, Plus The 3 T’s

Chiropractic Care

Welcome, everyone, to the show.

How are you doing, Dr. Schurger?

I’m doing excellent. I had a great idea for the show and we’re going to do it. We’re going to talk about cases that always respond well to care. Some people do not respond well, but generally, they almost always respond well. You’re sort of excited to see it because you know it’s going to happen.

I’m sorry I’m excited about you not feeling well because of whatever is happening, but I know that you walked in the right door. Usually, they understand. Sometimes they think I’m still a weirdo and that’s okay because I am.

We qualify as that because we keep on saying, “There’s a little bone underneath your head, and if we fix that everything is going to get better.” Case in point, I had a crane operator come in. He’s been operating cranes all his life. He called me on Monday. He was like, “Doc, I hurt my back.” He chopped wood and split wood on his weekends and did something, twisted wrong. Three weeks before, the twisting wrong got his lower back.

Three weeks before, he wakes up with a crick in his neck. Professionally, he needs to look up all day long. As we went through it, he had other injuries and accidents throughout his years. A motorcycle accident when he was very young. I’m like, “I think we’re going to get you better.” We got him adjusted immediately because it was his atlas. This might be one of those qualifiers that’s because when it’s one level, it was a simple misalignment, at least simple by our standards.

By our standards because we see some stuff.

It was his atlas. We get him adjusted and I have him walk around a little bit. He looked at me and was like, “This is real?” He questioned his own senses. After I had done my paperwork check, I watched him stand up to get up out of the front chair with the armrest and his low back caught him. I’d been there. Afterward, he’s like, “Doc, this feels awesome. Thank you so much.” On top of all of that, he comes in for his follow-up checkup and he says he slept awesome.

That is such a common thing after getting an upper cervical adjustment. It is some amazing sleep. You wake up almost in the same position you fell asleep in and you wake up refreshed. When you haven’t been sleeping well and you get that night, it’s amazing.

The last time that you adjusted me, that hour nap or whatever it was, at least it felt long to me. I was like, “We’re three-quarters of the way there.”

That’s all sorts of stuff going on. You’re not one of them, and I’m not either one of those people that doesn’t have an uncomplicated misalignment. We’ve both been complicated.

I used to be and then I decided to get into a couple of car accidents. I like to train and sometimes push myself. I don’t push myself through the stupid anymore.

That’s smart. I think one of the ones recently that I’ve had come in, it’s a couple of different patients, but one in particular I’m thinking of, has what I call the spot. The spot is not as much the trap but is part of the trap, but a little bit behind the top. It’s this knot that comes on and it’s this searing, unrelenting pressure pain that happens.

No matter what they do, they put a tennis ball, hold it, and have people dig in it. It keeps coming back over and over. It feels good when you’re pushing on it, but you stop and it hurts again. When I see that, immediately I always look at C2. That doesn’t mean it’s always C2 because sometimes it’s C1, but there’s an upper cervical connection between what’s happening in the trapezius muscle and the spinal accessory nerves.

That’s one of the nerves that comes out of the cranial area and it is affected by the upper cervical spine. When I hear that someone has the spot, I get a little like, “Yee,” because typically, they don’t feel better right after the adjustment. About a day later, it starts melting away. I do warn them that it doesn’t instantly fix it because it doesn’t.

There are some things where we get excited as upper-cervical chiropractors because we see some changes immediately. Some changes take time, some changes take weeks, and some patient changes take months, but for certain things, we typically see changes like this one isn’t about a 24-hour period where they can see a change in that. I pretty much know right away when someone has that, “We got this.” A lot of times they have other things going on too. That’s one that I can think of as the trap spot.

Some changes take time. Some changes take weeks or even months. But for certain things, we typically see changes within 24 hours.

A lot of it’s that and a lot of it almost feels like it’s right between the shoulder blades. They’ve gone to other chiropractors who say, “Doc, it’s here. Work on it down here.”

That’s what they want us to adjust low.

Quite honestly, sometimes that’s chasing tails.

Just like putting pressure on it. If I massage that muscle, it does feel better but I’m not going to keep massaging that muscle over and over and not get to the root cause. We have to get to the root cause of why that muscle has this giant trigger point in it.

I’ve got another patient who is not an easy case. She doesn’t fall into this category. I will hold her head and move her where she says, “Doc, it’s right here.” I’ll get right in there and maneuver her atlas into a position where she needs to go. Her head goes up straight in complete relief. I tell her and then she says, “Doc, follow me around for the rest of the day like this.” There are days I’ve been tempted because she is that tricky of a case to try to figure out like, “How do I get that adjusted so it unlocks.” Knock on wood, there’s some wood right there, she hasn’t been in a while. Unfortunately, we talked about her so she’ll be calling.

That’s so true too. I had that experience. It was a patient I hadn’t seen in a while and I thought, “I wonder how she’s doing?” I was like, “I haven’t seen her. I hope she’s okay.” She was on my schedule in the afternoon and I had no idea. It was one of those things that we can psychically pull them in.

Talking about cases, this one I would consider a complex case until she filled me in on what she’s been doing for the past year. She showed up a year and a day ago. It was the last time she was in. That was 362 days because it was a leap year. In any case, she says she’s been doing well, but what did she do? She took a medical leave from work. She’s been doing all sorts of fun stuff she’s been looking for.

She’s gotten a couple of medical procedures, including getting her iron level up to where it’s supposed to be. I looked at her and I was like, “You’ve got great vitality. What have you been doing?” Sure enough, aside from getting a couple of proper medical diagnoses and treatments, the biggest thing for her was getting away from work and all the drama and stress that she had at work.

Unfortunately, she’s going back here for a couple of weeks. Folks, if you’ve been going to your chiropractor time and again and they’re helping you but not enough, you might need to take a step back and take a look at the rest of your life to see what else is going on because that might be the extra little oomph you need.

If you’ve been going to your chiropractor time and again and they’re helping you but not enough, you might need to take a step back and take a look at the rest of your life to see what else is going on because that might be the extra little oomph you need.

The Three T’s

In chiropractic philosophy, we talk about the three T’s. What you were talking about is the T is thoughts. What is the emotional stress? What’s emotionally draining in your body and all three of these T’s that we’re going to talk about is what causes your body to go out of normal function and misalignment. What can cause a structural shift in your body?

If I met someone who is going through emotional trauma, one of the things they’ll do is they’ll hunch forward and protect their body. You’ll see that like an emo kid. An emo kid has the hair in their face and then they hunch forward and they’re like, “I hate everybody.” They’re in a protection posture. That protection posture is an emotional trauma. There is emotional stress that’s happening in their body. Emotional stress causes structural stress and misalignments.

The second T is the actual trauma. If you got hit or rear-ended by a car or if I take my phone and I hold it like this over and over again, that’s a repetitive trauma. If you put your phone between your shoulder and your ear, and you hold it up with your shoulder, those repetitive traumas can cause misalignments. That’s something that patients don’t realize they’re doing. They could be doing something every day at work, or their computer monitor is too low, or they’re using a laptop and they’re hunched forward over it and typing on a keyboard attached to the laptop.

I don’t mind if you’re out and about and you need to use your laptops temporarily, but if you’re using a laptop on your actual desk, you need to have a detached keyboard, a detached mouse, and you need to have your laptop up on a stand so that your screen is even with your eyes. That’s what we do at our office or at least we do now because we’re hurting ourselves leaning forward over a laptop. The third T is toxic stress and that’s the stuff that we are in and around and consume. If I drink Pepsi every day or a diet Pepsi, either way, that’s a toxic stress whether it’s a sugar overload or it’s a chemical SHIT storm.



Also, if you decided like you did a couple of weeks ago right after Easter to eat all the stuff, and then realized, “I ate all the stuff. I feel horrible,” switch back to keto, and all of a sudden, everything cleans up immediately. I had one young lady saying, “Doc, I know the storm is coming through today. I can feel it in my joints and my arthritis.” She’s a massage therapist and I told her, “If you want to get it better fast within a week, cut out the wheat. You cut out the sugar. You cut out the seed oils. Even if you cut out one of those three, you’ll notice a difference almost immediately.”

If you want to get better fast within a week, cut out the wheat, sugar, and seed oils. You’ll notice a difference almost immediately.

I was talking about water to a couple of patients and I did a health talk to a bunch of teachers. We talked about water, and I know everyone is tired of hearing about water, but one of the ways that if you’re increasing your water is I take a big bottle. I’m holding a 32-ounce bottle. I try to drink three of those a day. Four is good for me, but three, I feel like I’ve done a good job. If you put a full bottle of water next to your bed, if it’s a big bottle, you drink half of it when you first wake up, do your business, brush your teeth, all the stuff. Before you get into your car, drink the second half of the bottle.

That’s a good idea.

Fill it back up with your filtered water, so then you have the second bottle that you’re supposed to drink during the day. If you feel like, “I pee too much,” get over it. I said to people saying, “I have to pee too much,” I was like, “It takes 45 seconds. Go pee. It’s fine.” Some people like if you’re a surgeon, you cannot de-scrub and pee all the time. I get it. If you’re an elementary school teacher, you cannot leave kids unattended.

Let’s be honest with the surgeons. If they’re in a pinch, they will do things that we would not do to do ten hours. Let’s put it that way.

They scrub out and scrub back in. I don’t want to hear about the other stuff.

I don’t either.

They have the tools to put a catheter in.

That’s what I’m saying.

Now I want to know. If you are a surgeon tuning in to this, please post and tell us if you put a catheter in for 10-hour, 15-hour, or 20-hour surgeries. I want to know. I want to know if that’s what you guys do because that’s brilliant but gross.

I’m certain somebody does it. I’m certain at least there’s a surgeon or surgeons know of somebody who does that more regularly than not.

You can stay hydrated. You drink all you want.

They’re doing a 12-hour to 15-hour marathon sometimes with these things so they have to.

First of all, I give it to the surgeons. They are amazing. You can open up the human body, know what everything looks like, take it apart, and put it back together. You guys are crazy awesome. I love it. Second of all, we want to know how you pee.

In any case, let’s get back to talking about these cases that we know are going to knock it out of the park.

Horrible Migraines

What have you had recently that’s migraine-related?

That was where I was going. I had a young lady come in on Monday who has been having horrible migraines. I know I’m confusing her with another young lady who came in the previous week with horrible migraines but this one here is an autotech and loves her job. She did it for seven years, but all of a sudden. these migraines got so bad. She had to take a leave of absence. There wasn’t a thing that stood out except she was a twin, she was on the bottom, and she was the one who had to do extra work to resuscitate because of where she was positioned.

She’s telling me everything and I’m like, “This, that, and the other.” The other one had all brothers for siblings of like a sixth family thing. She’s got those tomboy mentalities on the petite side, but everything she has talked about. I’m like, “You’re in good hands. You’re in the right place.” She’s been to 2 or 3 chiropractors from Indiana. The third one and the most recent chiropractor is a good friend of Dr. Liz Hafer, who’s one of our Blair Docs.

We love Liz. We should have her on the show sometime.

We should. In any case, Liz says, “I’m close. She sends her over there. All these other chiropractors are saying, “I don’t know what to do with you. We’ve done everything we can, but I cannot get you to that next level.” Sure enough, she comes on in. She’s never been in an actual car accident, but she’s had whiplash-style injuries throughout the years.

Her neck is mostly straight, but a little curved at the top. The kicker is her den, so this is a part of C2. Your head and your atlas pivot around what is called the odontoid or the dens of the axis, which if you can imagine, a finger coming up from a vertebra, that’s the pivot point. Hers is bent, not quite 45 degrees, but that’s how she was describing it when I was looking at it, or at least when she was looking at it. It bent back towards her spinal cord.

Take a screenshot of that. I want to see it.

I will. We might need an MRI if she’s not responding well, but I see this and I’m like, “This is exactly why no one has figured this out for you because you have abnormal structure, very well possible from early birth or early childhood because of being a twin.” Now she’s got that pushing against her cord. I told her that she should have a banana-shaped curve, but maybe not because of where that’s sitting.

We’re not going to be so concerned about the curve as much as making sure things are where they’re supposed to be. Her head is on straight. We don’t need to adjust her and the symptoms start reducing. If we need to take an MRI, we’ll see how bad that looks. She’s already doing better. She reported back to me. She did have a migraine on Wednesday. It was bad but normally, her migraines take her out for a day and she was able to work through it.

We’re not so concerned about the curve as much as making sure things are where they’re supposed to be and your head is on straight.

In itself, it is a feat being able to work through a migraine.

There tend to be about three different things that go on with a migraine. There might be a fourth, but the big things are certainly the intensity of the headache, duration, how long it lasts or how you can get it to reduce, and frequency. Those would be the big three that I think are the ones that stand out. If I can get any one of those starting to reduce, we know we’re going in the right direction.

Her duration is already down, her intensity is down. She was getting two of these a week. Now we’ll find out next week when I see her next because as much as I would have liked to have seen her today, it’s a drive. She’s coming from Indiana. Still, we’re going to get her better. Sure enough, I was very confident. I adjusted her.

Her friend who helped drive her over saw how it balanced. It’s funny at the end, her friend is like, “You take care of all of these conditions just by getting that first bone in place? I might have to sign up too.” It’s funny to hear that from somebody. I’m not selling other people to what’s going on. I’m saying, “You’re here as a witness to make sure they feel comfortable that what we’re doing here is getting them in the right direction.” That was the migraine case. Since last week, I haven’t chatted with her to see how she’s doing and I get to see both of them on Tuesday. All sorts of fun.

If we can go back from migraines and go, “It’s just.” It’s so funny that I put that word in front of it because we see so many complex cases sometimes when it’s just one thing.

“It’s just a migraine.”

It’s headaches. Somebody has tension headaches. It doesn’t go full migraine. They’re not in bed in a dark room, but there’s intense pain in their head. Their eye is halfway closed because it hurts, yet they can work, they can drive, they’re not puking, all that stuff but it keeps coming on over and over again, sometimes daily for these people. That was one of my chiropractic stories that I had. I called them an eleven-year headache. I had a headache every day for eleven years of my life. Sometimes it was more intense like a migraine, some days it was a headache and I lived on Advil.

If you find yourself taking Advil, Tylenol, or Aleve multiple times a month, most people with that stuff are taking it daily or multiple times a week, that’s not right. Something is not right. Your body is telling you, “Help.” The help that you need is not in a bottle. It’s not in a pill. It is in chiropractic care. What we see recently with headaches is normal headaches. It’s still funny that I say words like that, but we know that there’s no normal headache, but there would be typical headaches that happen to people. It is that tension headaches.

Some people are like, “I just have sinus headaches or tension headaches.” None of those are normal. An upper cervical alignment can help tension headaches, but it can help sinus headaches too because of the changes in the structures of the face. You’ve been doing some cool work with the sinuses lately.

There are no normal headaches, but there are these typical headaches like tension and sinus headaches. None of those are normal, but upper cervical alignment can help.

I’ve been doing a nasal release. This is not upper cervical, butit is in the same vein as the neural disconnect that people are having. If the bones in the skull do not move the way they’re supposed to, they will not pump cerebral spinal fluid the way it’s supposed to. Things will get stuck or things will get hung up. In the case of the sinuses, things get stuck in that mucus membrane layer that doesn’t work.

Funny story. There’s one young lady that I’ve been taking care of for a little bit now. Every time we do eight passes, the one pass that we get to is way high up towards the sphenoid. Every time we do that one, she’s like, “There’s a nasty smell up there. I don’t know what it is.” As it breaks up and it starts to come out, she’s waiting to blow her nose and see like a big old seed. I feel like she’s expecting some grapefruit seed to fall out and I’m like, “Probably not.”

Maybe it’ll never be anything. A lot of times, those sinuses drain down your throat, not out of your nose.

That would be the case once it finally starts working better. The interesting thing is I do an eye test in the process of figuring that out. I got her looking simply down to the right, so looking over this direction. She gets a moderate pain response setting her eyeballs in that direction. When they happened, that was the worst one today. Sure enough, we did the procedure while she was looking in that direction. It opened up the sinuses and decreased the pain level and intensity as we did that. I would have horrible chronic sinusitis when I go out of adjustment if we let it go that long, and that turns me into misery. Even after getting adjusted, the drainage will stop, but all of the sinuses in my head are inflamed. It takes me at least a day for that to settle out.

How exciting it is that it takes a day for something in your past that was chronic. Now when you get an adjustment, it’s like, “I know in a day or two, I’m going to be feeling a lot better.” That’s incredible. Your body is incredible that it can heal like that.

I’ll lose a day. That is the biggest problem I see with it because I lose that time. I’m not productive either with the problem before I get adjusted or after I get adjusted until I feel better. A lot of things fall off the radar. I apologize to people for that as much as I can, but when you feel like crap, you feel like crap.

Dr. Thomas and I both lose words when we’re out of alignment. We forget how to say things. I think that’s another one that I get excited about when a patient comes in with maybe not a chronic. If it’s chronic, we know it’s been there a long time, but they’ve noticed recently that they live in a foggy feeling or a cognitive. They have trouble coming up with words or they have trouble reading and then understanding like comprehension.

If it’s a newer thing for them. I love it when I hear that because that’s one of the things that people can see the biggest difference quickly. You can have neck pain and we see that it gets well relatively quickly for a lot of people. That’s a big deal as doctors look at some very atypical presentation of pain patterns when someone has simple neck pain. it’s not simple to them, but it’s simple to us.

It hurts when they turn away. They cannot look up as it hurts. We can see some incredible changes but when somebody is cognitively impaired, like what’s the reaction time when they’re driving, some things can be scary with that. Seeing that change sometimes immediately after the adjustment is cool. You probably have a test for that.

What’s curious is I don’t and I don’t have anything that I like.

I feel like a reaction time test.

Quite honestly, there’s a lot more work.

That would be like a study we would have to do.

Dr. John Chung down in Miami has been doing a lot of that with some of the work that he’s been doing with patients and such. I think that’s going to be a research project he’s going to do showing the efficacy of these things.

Probably, we can make a computer model of a click where you could do a 30-second or a two-minute test beforehand or whatever. and then do it after and then see maybe two days later.

They exist. We could do the research study. That stuff exists. What I get excited about is when the patient who has had two car accidents and concussions and had to get on Medicare because she cannot take care of herself. She cannot work. I either get her atlas adjusted, sometimes her C2, and sometimes do the cranial work. I’m giving her direction and she cannot take direction. She’s like, “All right, I got to think about this.”

I’m saying, “Push your legs together, push your legs apart.” It takes them a second and they’re like, “What did you say?”

You get them adjusted and it’s like, “Doc, I have no problems here. Everything is working fine.” This is the problem. Those cases don’t hold well. They need a lot of extra support. I lose a day and this one young lady is losing a couple of years. I’ve joked with her that I would hire her for my front desk in a heartbeat if she was able to be consistent. It’s not that it’s not her personal desire that she can be consistent. She cannot be physically consistent because of everything else that is going on when she goes out of adjustment. Life doesn’t work for her.

Low Back Pain

Life is hard when you’re not in alignment. For some people, that is devastating. We went from things that easily get helped with chiropractic. They are hard, but that’s just us. Let’s think of a lot of people with lower back pain who don’t realize the effect that an upper cervical adjustment can have on the lower back.


The Blonde & The Bald | Chiropractic Transformations


One of the tests in the Blair technique is something we call a leg length check where someone lays down and we see if their feet line up with each other or they don’t line up. If they don’t line up with each other, meaning one leg is what we call a “short leg.” I put quotations around the “short leg” when I was saying it because it doesn’t mean the leg is short. It means that the hips are pulled up and twisted a little bit.

When you hear the hip complex and back have pulled up and twisted a little bit, that’s back pain right there. We’re testing for something that causes back pain with the leg length checks. When we do an upper cervical adjustment, the leg lengths become even and people are like, “Why does it help low back pain?”

If the legs have become even, the torquing and the twisting into the hips and lower back have stopped. That’s one of the reasons if you don’t have low back pain and you get adjusted upper cervical, your back can get sore. It’s because those muscles are now working in a different way and it can hurt for a day or two. I do warn people who don’t have low back pain that it can hurt a little bit after you get an adjustment and that’s normal.

The muscles are shifting. You’ve got muscles that hadn’t been engaged, hadn’t needed to work, switched over to needing to work, and vice versa. Other muscles that have been tightened and shortened are trying to lengthen back to where they’re supposed to be. You’ve got a lot of stuff that’s shifting in motion almost immediately.

Especially in the first 48 hours to 72 hours, some symptoms can get worse before they get better. It’s not unlike going to the gym and working out. After my two-week hiatus from working out regularly, I’m getting back into the swing of things. I think I was exhausted on Sunday when I got back. I skipped my workout on Sunday and I got back to my workout on Tuesday. It felt good. I pushed 38 sets in 30 minutes, so I was pushing. At the end of it, I didn’t feel exhausted and did my stuff. Yesterday, I felt fine. Today I wake up and my shoulders and my upper back feel like, “What the heck did I do yesterday?”

Sometimes it takes a little bit of time for that delayed onset muscle shortness to kick in. It’s the same principle in working out as it is in healing. Just because I worked out versus I got adjusted or somebody got adjusted for the first time doesn’t mean the principles aren’t identical, and they are. That’s where we have to recognize that if we do something new, it’s going to ache a little bit.


The Blonde & The Bald | Chiropractic Transformations


One thing popped into my brain in chiropractic that I don’t even want to call philosophy. To me, it’s not even very scientific because there are not a lot of studies on it. It’s this thing called retracing. I like to call it the healing cycle because our body will ramp up healing, and things are getting good and feeling good, and then something is healing that doesn’t feel so good, and we go into what we call a dip. It’s like a symptom dip.

When someone is in that certain part of the healing cycle, we can have, “I’ve had three good days. It’s awesome. I’ve never thought I could feel like this again. Thank you so much, Doc,” and then 2 days or 3 days later they come in and they’re like, “I don’t know what happened. This is the worst I’ve ever felt. I don’t know if this is working and I’m never going to get well.” I get it because I’ve been there.

When you know what it feels like to feel good again and then it gets taken away from you, it is devastating. The good news is that if you know what it feels like to feel good again, you can get back there. That’s what the healing cycle is. I call it a roller coaster, and it is an up-and-down. Some occasional patients get all the way better and they’ll be perfect. That is a tiny percentage. Most of us go through ups and downs and that is normal. It’s not what we expect.



We do not expect it to be the patient who holds their adjustments right away and everything is perfect. It’s going to take time, the healing cycles and these dips as I call them. When people come in, I would warn them or hopefully, I remember to warn them, “Are you in a dip right now? This is what we talked about.” If you are an upper cervical patient and you notice that you are experiencing a dip, tell your doctor about it first of all. Second of all. know that that is so on par with how your body works.

We do not expect everything will be perfect right away when patients have their adjustments. It will take time, healing cycles, and dips.

It’s life. Any other cases that we want to share? Those were the big ones for me.

Chronic Fatigue

In general, I wanted to bring those up. When we’ve been talking about this with some of the doctors who are doing some TikToks lately, there has been a complex of cases and these are very complicated ones. Some people are experiencing chronic fatigue. They can have dizziness. They can have headaches, like all the things, but they also have some digestive tract stuff. We’re noticing if we look at how the vagus nerve works, it could be a vagus nerve issue on that too. They may or may not have gotten jabbed with something.

We talked about the three T’s. We’ve got toxins as one of them. If we put a toxin in our body, the reaction can be a structural shift. Lots of other reactions can occur as we’ve discussed, but a structural shift can be the reaction. What we’re noticing is that some people are coming in 2 years or 3 years post toxin injection and are having these symptoms that are coming on and it’s a lot all at once. The upper cervical is helping with that. We cannot take things out of your body, but what we can do is help your body adapt to the current state that it’s in.

We can’t take things out of your body, but we can help your body adapt to the current state that it’s in.

Adapt to heal past the problems that are there. Dr. Phillip Shallow and I were sharing that a lot of his patients who got the jab ended up needing to get adjusted almost immediately. I didn’t put those two pieces together but that often wasn’t shared during that time either. In any case, it is what it is and now we know better as we learn more and more. There’s more evidence coming out that that was a bad choice.


That was not the best thing that we had done for our health. If you are a person out there who is suffering from some of the easy things we talked about or maybe a complex of things, I want you to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. There is hope for you. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call one of our offices. You can also text our offices. I don’t know if you do text. Do you text at your office?

I do text about three different ways now.

You can text, you can call, and you can shoot us an email. You can comment on one of these and we may see it. You might want to text your email list.

Come out to us directly. It’s a little bit better than some of our social shares. Sometimes we’re not on those as often.

We’d be busy at the office. We are here to talk, chat about it, and find out if this upper cervical care can help you. If you have a family member that you’re thinking about when we’re talking about these things, get them this information so that they can do the research, or make them make the appointment if they’re close enough to you. We’re in St. Louis, Missouri on the west side. Our office is Precision Chiropractic. If you go to our website at, you can find information about our office and how to get ahold of us.

I sent you a referral because she was having all sorts of sinus problems as I got off the airplane and said, “You need to go see Dr. Bagley.”

I love that, thank you.

I’m at here at Keystone Chiropractic in Springfield, Illinois. It is a long day and I’m ready to go home and eat some dinner.

We’re going to see in St. Louis.

We’ve got a St. Louis seminar with a bunch of students coming down from Palmer. That’s going to be a blast. In any case, folks, thank you so much for tuning in. Make sure you like, subscribe, and leave a five-star review. That’s what helps get these episodes shared with people in the public so that they can hear about this. They know that there is a ray of hope in that dark tunnel where they have been suffering for way too long. Unfortunately, as cliche as that sounds, it’s the truth when you start meeting these people who have been suffering for as long as they have been. All right, folks. You have a great evening. Dr. Bagley, we will see you tomorrow.

See you.


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