“Before coming into Vital Force Clinic, I had constant migraines which kept me from living my life. I also had back pain, shoulder pain, jaw clicking… I was a mess. I almost lost my job because of how many days I was calling in sick. I haven’t taken a sick day from work since starting care. Now I feel amazing! The migraines are gone and other than an occasional headaches, I feel like a new person.” Cynthia C- Kirkwood, MO
It’s always amazing to me the lengths people will go through to try and get their health back. I understand why, we know what it used to feel like, and we want that back. The unfortunate part is that some people often travel down the wrong road to get there. The treatments for migraines are for symptoms, not getting to the cause. Honestly I don’t think many doctors even know the cause. I’m here today to tell you it isn’t bad luck, there is a cause, it is correctable, and its actually a simple concept to understand.
The Cause:
Quoting from Healthline (an online health resource)–
“Migraine headaches are a bit of a mystery. Researchers have identified possible causes, but no definitive causes have been declared. Possible theories include:
- Central nervous system disorder. An underlying disorder may set off a migraine episode when the disorder is triggered.
- Vascular problem. Irregularities in the brain’s blood vessel system may cause migraines.
- Genes. Having a family member who experiences migraine headaches increases your risk for having migraines, so researchers suspect an inherited gene may cause migraines.
- Chemical abnormalities. Several types of brain chemicals and nerve pathways are active during a migraine headache. Abnormalities in any of these areas may cause migraine.”
The cause really is a mystery to the medical profession. We have figured out how to reattach limbs and visualize things on a molecular level but a very common problem like migraines, we just don’t know the cause. Or do we… The first theory is what I’m going to focus on. It’s what chiropractors do. There is a word in chiropractic: Subluxation– we could define it as “central nervous system disorder” but I’ll be more specific. There are highly mobile vertebrae in the neck, especially C1, that allow us to move our heads in multiple directions. There are injuries that occur in our lives that cause a breakdown in the system that holds everything in place, these injuries could be a small thing like a slip on the sidewalk, or a big thing like a whiplash. But the wrong force, in the wrong direction, at the wrong time can cause a subluxation, and for some people that can cause a lifetime of misery.